My Favorite Streamer to Fall Asleep To: MunchkinJesse
If you’ve never been in Kay’s (aka MunchkinJesse’s) stream, you’ve probably never had the “Elizabeth Braddock” (better known as Psylocke, the X-Men character) experience. Where you have someone who might appear asian (she’s not, but from living in Korea, she comes across that way to both me and my wife) but who speaks with a confusingly English-ish accent. I think it’s the Korean makeup.
She’s actually from the north of England, referring to herself occasionally as a “Yorkshire lass,” but is now living in South Korea. In part I suspect because she has spent some time in an international school environment, she has what I think of as an international school accent — “Murican” is heavily represented, but there’s no repressing the Yorkshirewoman at the base of it.
Of course one of the first points of chat/conversation I had upon finding out where she’s from is to ask her about Ken Loach, and specifically about the film “Kes.” If I’m remembering correctly, she has mentioned she’s from Barnsley, where Kes is set, though her mom is from Hoyland, where the film was actually shot.
I tend to assess new streamers I discover by their reaction when I follow, and she manages to be unfailingly upbeat and chirpy in welcoming new followers — you should try it — even though she’s clearly delivered that line now close to 5900 times.
She says hi to everyone in chat when she first starts streaming (she cleverly waits about 10+ minutes at the start of stream before coming on camera, due to “notification lag”), and ends her streams with “cat-time.” Not only is her stream named after the “Grand High Poobah” of her 5 cats, Jesse (in turn named after the Breaking Bad character), Jesse also features heavily during “cat-time” when he deigns to come on and wave a regal paw at his peons.
Oh, and by the way, she streams mostly Fallout 76 nowadays — but for me personally, since I don’t play the game, that’s not the primary reason I watch. That said, I have become familiar with the game from many many hours of watching Kay’s stream. Mainly because I put on her stream whenever I want to fall asleep — and really because at this point I can’t fall asleep without it on. That is nowhere near being a back-handed comment, in many ways I think of it as one of the best compliments I can think to bestow.
IMO, it’s that English temperament that keeps her voice pretty calm, even when she’s gaming, which is a real achievement, but also how disciplined she is in staying positive and happy even though she streams close to 7–8 hours a day, 5 days a week. But there’s no replacement for her having real joy in what she does. There’s something awesome about watching people who have “found their bliss” and live it every day. This is why she gets my prime sub — because at this point I’m not sure I could function without her streaming. I’ll probably talk more about the strategic use of prime sub in a different post.
If you’re looking for a voluminous amount of content to fall asleep to, I’d unambiguously recommend Kay’s stream. One of the reasons I sub is to get access to her VoD library, so that when she’s not live, I can still sleep. She has also re-oriented her stream schedule to be more Americas friendly, starting at 10.30pm Central Time — so not only can I catch the start of stream every night she’s on, but I can leave her live stream on as I’m going to bed each night.